来源: 时间:2019-11-20 02:48
报告主题:Engineered Bioreremediation of Polluted Land and Groundwater Sites
主讲人:Dr Brijesh Kumar Yadav
Dr. Brijesh Kumar Yadav is an Associate Professor at Department of Hydrology, IIT Roorkee since June 2012. He is an awardee of the prestigious ‘Ramanujan Fellow’ by Government of India and has received many research and constancy projects. Dr. Yadav received his B.E.(Ag) in from CTAE Udaipur and completed M.Tech. in Water Resources Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. He started his doctoral work at IIT Delhi and moved to UNESCO-IHE Delft, Netherlands for completing his PhD. Then he moved to Utrecht University for his postdoctoral work in Department of Earth Sciences. Subsequently, he worked at University of California, Davis on subsurface modeling. He was working at IIT Delhi from January 2011- June 2012 before joining the faculty position at IIT Roorkee. His current research focuses on groundwater flow contaminant transport modelling, remediation of polluted sites, groundwater resources estimation, CO2 sequestration in subsurface and risk analysis. Dr. Yadav has published more than 30 international journals and made about 35 presentations at various conferences. Currently, he is involved in two international and four national research projects and guiding 8 PhD scholars working in different areas of soil-water contamination.